(01207) 693828


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 Is your knowledge up to date? - take our quick quiz to find out! – No prizes- it’s just for fun!


1. Australian lift is it.....

 A. Carrying 3 crates of lager on your head whilst singing ‘Waltzing Matilda’

 B. The elevator in the SidneyOpera house

 C. A once common lifting technique now considered to be unsafe

2.LITE is it ..........

A. Someone who can be lifted easily

B. Load, Individual, Task and Environment-A risk assessment tool

c. A low carbohydrate version of the Australian lift!

3. Annulus Fibrosis is it

A. The amount of  fibre each person should consume in  a year

B. A painful skin condition caused by too much sitting

C. The outer portion of the intervertebral disc

3. The Power Position is it

A. The location of the socket used to recharge your hoist battery

B. The stance used when carrying out a moving and handling task

C. The person who signs the pay cheques and makes you attend  moving and handling training

4. Client Independent Movement is it.....

A. One of your residents who keeps wandering off

B. The result of consuming senna pods

C. Minimising moving and handling by encouraging the person to move themselves

5. Rocking Shuffle- is it......

A. Moving a client to music
B.A safe way to assist a client to the front of a chair
C. A safe way to move large stones across the garden

6. Wide base of support, is it........

A. Having access to stress, alcohol and smoking counselling, 

B. A chair specially designed for larger clients

C.The ideal foot position whilst moving a client

7. Ready, Steady, Slide....is it

A.A new TV cookery programme on ice

B. The commands used to co-ordinate a movement when assisting a client

C. A controversial client moving technique utilising washing up liquid and a polythene sheet!

8. Bed Block is

A. A piece of wood used to make a bed higher

B. Not being able to remember where you have to go to sleep

C. tool to facilitate client independent movement in bed

9. the Drag Lift is

 A. Movement of a client carried out by a man wearing women’s clothes

B. The ability to smoke and operate a hoist simultaneously

 C. Yet another once popular lifting technique that is now  considered unsafe


Thank you for taking part in our quiz- We hope you enjoyed it- On a more serious note if you would like to know more about the training we can deliver on your site or ours - please get in touch

Flexible- training can be held at your venue or ours, days, evenings or weekends at no extra cost


Effective  ‘Hands on’ practical course covering the most up to date moving and handling techniques and tailored to the needs of your business.


Robust- continual assessment throughout the course- you receive certificates and a detailed training record for each member of staff- showing every technique covered and learning outcome and signed by the staff member and the trainer, providing valuable evidence that helps you to meet your legal obligations, annual updates are available to keep your staff and business safe.